Scripture: Psalm 119:71 – “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes.”


When I moved to Hawaii, my first year in ministry was amazing, but it was also the loneliest year of my life. I’d always had strong teams around me, but during that season, God taught me that I didn’t need human advice or support as much as I needed Him. Community is important—don’t get me wrong—but there’s no substitute for His Word.

If you’re feeling stuck or struggling in your faith, let me encourage you: We don’t live by sight but by every word that comes from God. There have been seasons when His Word was all I had—and it was enough. Dr. Tim Keller said, “You don’t really know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.”

The world may look shiny, but it’s hollow. God’s Word, however, is like honey—simple yet sweet and rich.


If you feel stuck, pray through Psalm 119:65-72 today. Ask God to teach you through your challenges and to draw you closer to Him.