Scripture: Psalm 119:2 – “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart.”


We live in a world where everyone is seeking something: money, fame, success, Instagram followers, the hit, or the high. But here’s the truth—none of these things satisfy. Even good things, like being physically fit or mentally healthy, can distract us from intimacy with God when they take priority.

As a young man, I treated God like an addition to my plan. The cross was my insurance policy instead of my daily focus. I multitasked my faith and became lukewarm. But seeking God requires intentionality. It’s about small, daily steps. Think about it: Is it better to work out for 10 hours once or for 10 minutes every day for a year? The same is true spiritually—start with 5–10 minutes of focused time with God daily, and let Him change your life over time.


Take 5 minutes today to pray and ask God to help you seek Him with your whole heart. Before you do anything else tomorrow morning, spend time with Him.